This report is available in premium accounts only
A sample of this premium report is shown below.

Loading data
Forecast for the entire 2024 30.96 L pure alc.
Days with alcohol 292 / 366
Number of peak days 15
Consumed liquid volume 362 L
Red wine 132 L
Beer 158 L
White wine 36 L
Champagne 9.74 L
Cognac 1.04 L
Rosé 2.85 L
Whiskey 787 mL
Stout 7.83 L
Vodka 685 mL
Something ≈40° 654 mL
Time required to wear off the consumed alcohol
Based on the assumption that alcohol is being weared off with a speed of 8 mL of pure alcohol per hour (which is average for humans). In fact, this is the time you are being under alcohol effect — non sober.
161 days
≈44% of your lifetime

Premium account price — 1 USD.
Premium account allows you to view all available reports
and offers various bonuses.